The Unite Project | WorldOfRhodes | First Upload


Ask me anything. ANYTHING! o_O
Hey there everyone!!! The Unite Project is well and truly underway with WorldOfRhodes being the first director to upload a video onto the main channel!! This is his introductory video which gives you a little backstory of himself, and also what he will be doing each monday on the channel :)

Please subscribe to the channel to see more weekly episodes from WorldOfRhodes at , or if you'd like to see some work from our gamers, subscribe at
Thanks, Joe [JTAphotographs] - The Unite Project
Want to become a part of The Unite Project and have your videos promoted too? Private Message me or reply in this thread stating that you'd like to get involved too :)
Hey there everyone!!! The Unite Project is well and truly underway with WorldOfRhodes being the first director to upload a video onto the main channel!! This is his introductory video which gives you a little backstory of himself, and also what he will be doing each monday on the channel :)

Please subscribe to the channel to see more weekly episodes from WorldOfRhodes at , or if you'd like to see some work from our gamers, subscribe at
Thanks, Joe [JTAphotographs] - The Unite Project
Want to become a part of The Unite Project and have your videos promoted too? Private Message me or reply in this thread stating that you'd like to get involved too :)

Great stuff!