The niche I am passionate about everyone does

You're gonna get mixed responses about this topic.
On one hand you're gonna have people who say "this niche is too saturated, don't bother". To that I say, its saturated for a reason. There are SO many pros to Call of Duty videos, commentaries, etc that can heavilly outweigh the cons.
On the other hand if you choose a niche that's not saturated you'll get "play something more popular, like ___ (call of duty)". While you can be a big fish in a little pond with something less popular, like you're the best "Smite" player of all time. Or the go-to for smite, you do have a ceiling.

Both of these options have giant pros and cons. But they both come down to a few things.
Do you enjoy making the videos? Do you enjoy playing the game?

If you do, and you can see yourself making 5,000 videos for that niche, then go for it. Now start getting out there USING the advantage of having a Call of Duty channel!
Make yourself unique from others. Try making the objects your friends and giving them names. Make Call Of Duty into your own little world and people will enjoy the humor of that. Make the box your best friend or the plants your mortal enemy, whatever you want! Just remember to be creative and funny! Hope this helped :D.