The Lumineers - "Ho Hey" (Jake Weber Full Instrumental Cover)

WoW! :wideyed2: This is so...Great job Jake!!! :thumbsup2:
  • Audio Rec is perfect :joyful2:
  • Video Rec is fantastic :shock:
  • You are a great Guitarist :bigrin2:
How many cameras did you use to make your video? :snaphappy:
And how many tracks did you do for your rec? :O_o2:
I'm trying to make cover, too! :hungover2: If you want, check out my threads and enjoy my videos! :sick2:
I think that I'll need your feedback to create a better video! :help:
Thank you for this thread! ;)
+1 follower for you! :beer:
WoW! :wideyed2: This is so...Great job Jake!!! :thumbsup2:
  • Audio Rec is perfect :joyful2:
  • Video Rec is fantastic :shock:
  • You are a great Guitarist :bigrin2:
How many cameras did you use to make your video? :snaphappy:
And how many tracks did you do for your rec? :O_o2:
I'm trying to make cover, too! :hungover2: If you want, check out my threads and enjoy my videos! :sick2:
I think that I'll need your feedback to create a better video! :help:
Thank you for this thread! ;)
+1 follower for you! :beer:

Thank you very much!!!! :D I appreciate the feedback and I'm glad to help! :)

Well I used logic pro 9 for the audio mixing and one track for each instrument and a few midi kick drums to help beef up the drum part of hitting the guitar. I used one camera and shot different view points with it. So I would shoot a take.. movie the camera and re-shoot it and I repeated this 3-4 times per instrument. I had some lights that lit up the room to minimize the shadows.

As for the video editing I just did some warm color grading, overlay some light leaks and faked camera lens blur and edited cuts in the video according to the beats in the song! :)

For the most part this is one of the simpler videos I have done on my channel. :p
Thank for your reply!
I saw your other "more difficult" videos in your channel...awesome!
Hope one day I can make videos like that :thumbsup2:
Great work!
Nice! Very clean, sounded great. Was hoping for some vocals, but the music was so good I didn't mess em all that much. Keep up the great work!