The iDea and more!


Active Member
Hi thought I'd post some of my vids!
All are written,voiced and animated by myself using Muvizu (free animation software from

Hope you enjoy, comment, subscribe and share!

Wow you animate :O That is awesome :) It is hard right ? :D
It's actually more like directing than animating. The software from Muvizu is incredible and free. Check it out!
Glad you like my channel!
Sub, share! Etc if you're feeling kind!
I'm determined to become a YT partner one day![DOUBLEPOST=1346613623,1346613373][/DOUBLEPOST]
Cool channel!
Always nice when people like what I do!
It's actually more like directing than animating. The software from Muvizu is incredible and free. Check it out!
Glad you like my channel!
Sub, share! Etc if you're feeling kind!
I'm determined to become a YT partner one day![DOUBLEPOST=1346613623,1346613373][/DOUBLEPOST]
Always nice when people like what I do!
Everyone here is determened to become a partnter lol and you are very near :)