The Fantastic Mr. Vox (Spoken Poetry)

Hello fellow Youtubers!

I guess I'm the new boy around here so, I look forward to meeting you all! I've recently started up a spoken word channel and I'd love for you all to like, comment, subscribe and even throw some constructive criticism my way :) It'll all be greatly appreciated and I shall return the favour!

Peace and love,
Mr. V
Probably a strange question from me, but have you ever tried rapping? You're good with words so it might be worth a shot. :)
Haha, I'm a big fan of battle rap, like Don't Flop and King of the Dot but I can't say I've ever considered the prospect of actually rapping. Maybe putting a bit of music behind the words might spicen it all up a bit. Thanks for the tip, I might consider integrating it :D