Certified Canadian
Hey everyone, I made a post not long ago about being accepted to TGN, I applied at about half the minimum required views a month and got an email that I was accepted. I filled out the contract and sent it to them and they said they would respond in 5-10 days. It has been 15. Now when I made my post about getting accepted a number of people said that they had heard some bad things about TGN, including that they had bad service. Well now I'm thinking they were right since they can't even respond to me. I'm looking for some advice. I'm now thinking maybe I should consider another but I don't know what to do, they are now just sitting there with my signed contract not doing anything about it...Can I just email them to cancel it since they aren't signing? I'm afraid that if I don't say something they will just a month from now be like "Surprise we signed it and now your partnered with us!" The contract is only a month so I can just email them asking them (politely) to actually respond to me...I just feel iffy about joining them now. Thoughts, advice?