Other Tell me your deepest secrets...


Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking of doing a video where I reveal peoples secrets or they confess. I didn't know where to post this and in the section where you can promote your videos said that I wasn't privileged enough to post in there xD that kind of hurt. So post your confessions on ask.fm /datasianrebecca (sorry I'm kind of a noob on these forums so maybe I can embed it in another way, but just take the space out of it:) and post them anonymously :)
When I first started on youtube, I actually expected for my video to go viral overnight XD

Lol I bet we all wish that all, then I look back on the video and think "WHY THE f**k DID I MAKE THIS???"
I'm the doctor.
So I'm thinking of doing a video where I reveal peoples secrets or they confess. I didn't know where to post this and in the section where you can promote your videos said that I wasn't privileged enough to post in there xD that kind of hurt. So post your confessions on ask.fm /datasianrebecca (sorry I'm kind of a noob on these forums so maybe I can embed it in another way, but just take the space out of it:) and post them anonymously :)
Deepest secrets... Well to be honest *inhales deeply* DONT TELL ANYONE!!!!
i am a human!