Tag the video, 1,000 views on 1 video earns you 4 subs...

Leon Benjamin Ward

Two Sides to 1 Person
what i mean by this tag is this... (basically the instructions)

Step 1) Simply subscribe to my main channel (if you haven't already,
if you have already subscribed, simply move to step 2)

Step 2) Simply take the Video URL of the Latest video, ''Like, Share,
Comment'' and pass it to your friends, saying in the comments
'Like, Share and Comment - and that earns you 4 subs...''
(that includes Sharing it on your facebook, twitter) +
Myspace if you have it.

Step 3) Once the video reaches 1,000 (or more) views , each person
who has passed the video link will gain 4 extra subs...

I will say that if any person has passed the video Url will have to comment on my channel (comment box) letting me know you've passed it on... if the video reaches 1,000 views those people will gain 4 subs.

its that simple.... but you will ONLY get the subs if the video reaches 1,000 Views on that video..
--- merged: Feb 8, 2012 3:06 PM ---
The Video Url is :

Simply follow the Instructions... It's that easy
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http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= KWAu92Uaajk