
Mother of Dragons...Wait...
I decided to make up my own tag (at least to my knowledge), and would like to invite you guys to join. If you want to be tagged, just reply to this thread, and I'll be sure to not only link your channel in the description of the tag video, but also shout it out in the video itself.

The video is a seven tag video, a video where you do seven...things. I don't care what it is, make seven funny faces, eat seven peppers, count to seven, give seven tips, etc. As long as it's seven, you're good! So, I'll make my video, tag the first..Oh, let's say, the first seven people that are interested, and reply (first come first serve type of thing). After you watch my video, see that you're tagged, you then go and make your own, and tag another seven peoples. Fun, huh?!
I think you mean first 6 people, considering that you already invited me on this a few days back. Unless you're kicking me out, in which case I will yell at you with the force of a roaring hurricane. You'll feel the force hit you through your computer screen and it will expel you into oblivion.

I think you mean first 6 people, considering that you already invited me on this a few days back. Unless you're kicking me out, in which case I will yell at you with the force of a roaring hurricane. You'll feel the force hit you through your computer screen and it will expel you into oblivion.


Well, since you did just reply to this thread, that makes you one of the people now, regardless! :D
I mean you can. But chances are I won't be making a video... since I don't do these videos anymore =X

Unless I can think of a way to work it into a gameplay xD

Some reason I knew "You can, but I most likely won't be making a video." was going to be the response. xD

No, worries. I'm looking forward to the gameplays, man. That little teaser of Fiver Nights At Freddy's 2 was mean. I wasn't even looking at the duration, and then saw it was only like 40+ seconds long, haha. xD