Sync Ep 10 - (Digital Corridor/ Bammo )

never seen it before, whats it about ?
Mystery Guitar Man gives viewers as different subject every week and viewers submit their video that in some ways connects to that subject. MGM picks his favs each week and features them on the show. It's a great way to get exposure for your video ( and have fun creating something cool) On the last week week of the month, it's "free play"-- MGM doesn't give any special theme. You can submit any video you want!
waw i haven`t seen MGM in a long time the last one i saw of hime was when he did the reality loop around his building with himself with the breefcase
Bammo is a Youtube channel that features shows from Mystery Guitar Man, Mike Diva and more. Bammo centers on action and special FX and many of the shows take fan submissions, will help you add VFX and learn how to make your own videos better!
oh ok i got it interestng lol is MGM still maryed ? i seem to of heard some rumors that it didn`t go well .... not sure about that, they seeme happy
nice i reember when he proposed it was in the movie theater lol that was awesome and she was like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" he face was priceless lol