SUPER NOTE 2012!!! Join a Team Today!


Our Minds are now one
I am spreading the word on a great opportunity for channel exposure! Watch the Video it explains it all!

Also this is not just for Musicians but anyone that can hold a note at any pitch for any length of time!

I am personally joining Team Beard aka Wheezy Waiters team :)
If there is no incentive to join some big named Youtubers will be joining in on this and watching you personally! Rhett and Link do this every year! Good Luck!
If I could hold a note for more than 3 1/2 seconds, I would give it a try. This does look like a cool project though. I've been seeing a lot of it around the tube:pompus:
Vic ... i think we can start planing to conquer the world lol ... The Half beards shall rise again lol