Other Super Mecha Madness ep. 19 - World Surfin'


Hi, I'm looking for 2 Sprite editors/designers, male actor, and an animator for an SMMS episode that's been in production for over a year now long over due and is SERIOUSLY in need of the aforementioned! It is the episode of the Super Mecha Madness Show entitled "World Surfin'". Anyone who is interested, comment below.

The episode World Surfin' experiments with the method of "Dimensional Travel" much like the show Sliders. The sprites are needed for the "Video Game World" and the animator is needed for the "Anime World" (2D needed, 3D mod preferred).

In addition to this, a male (Black or Hispanic) is needed for the live action portion of the video.

Initially, this project was started on spidvid.com. More info about the episode is through the link below:
