Subsribe to vahnchand!


The Man who sold the world
Hey guys! the vahnchand channel is doing great! over 100 subs! keep on subbing guys! the original goal was to have 100 subs before we officially launch this channel,but now i think we can make it to 200! lets see what we can do! sub only if you like the videos and i will sub back!

also check out our VOTM entry!
If only I could sub more than once per channel! hehe
--- merged: Apr 17, 2012 1:39 AM ---
If only I could sub more than once per channel! hehe
WTF, I swear there are some channels i sub too, but it doesn't stick. I could have sworn i was subbed already...good thing I double checked.
If only I could sub more than once per channel! hehe
--- merged: Apr 17, 2012 1:39 AM ---

WTF, I swear there are some channels i sub too, but it doesn't stick. I could have sworn i was subbed already...good thing I double checked.

i totally know what you mean man,it's happend to me!! thanks man!
ok so it's not just me huh? I even had a subscriber message me asking if i was removing their sub, cause they had subbed up to two times.

yeah man,just now i know i had tom Elliot subbed just check again and i didn't. somethings messed up!