Sub4Sub is never a viable way of getting more views/encouraging interaction.. What you need to do is make some more vids and get people subscribing because they want to see what you are going to come out with next.. You want fans, not just subscribers. So keep at it, upload regularly and you'll soon get more subs.

Hope this helps.
I agree :) I haven't done any sub4sub or box4box that I've been offered...

I have like 4 like on facebook, however...
Sub4sub is like boosting your stats easily :( thats my opinion .
There are alot of boosting sites all over the internet
Yeah I suppose, thats what we are aiming for, to make good videos that people enjoy, but you've got to start somewhere haven't you! :)
Sorry, this thread is obviously annoying, we don't know the YTtalk eticate yet, still learning!