Sub For A Sub?

Kenny Simpson

Active Member
Just wondering if anyone wants to sub for a sub but also check out each others videos as well? Not just to subscribe and never watch the videos again :)
I get what you're saying here, but you may want to avoid using the term sub 4 sub. It discourages people. I'm going to go out on a limb and sub your channel and see what you've got going on over there. Anyone here will tell you that I spend hours a day watching other people's videos and commenting on them. Its my way of saying thank you for the support.

If you wanna check out my channel, feel free. Sub if you see something you like.
OMG people are loosing the point of subbing these days. Subscripions uploads are excitement, in the end it will just feel like a spammers tool. Don't sub 4 sub. If u would like subs, earn them!
naa its fine, it is just a warning before you go down the wrong root. if u want 2 sub 4 sub or anything like that. Twitter is good for that stuff!