Spread the Word?

Chance C

I Love YTtalk
Okay, so another topic by me, haha... *shy* ... So, i was wondering, how you guys SPREAD the word around, so others can visit your channels? It doesn't have to be your EXACT what-you-do to get subscribers / views / likes or whatever you want to call it. But a simple, social media? promotions? how do you guys do it? ta :D
Dude. Don't be sorry, the whole point of this forum is to post Post POST!
anyway to answer your question-
-Twitter/Facebook Page
-Collab w/ other youtubers
-Make a lot of QUALITY content (try to get an uploading schedule up)
-INteract with your subscribers
The question is put different but it's the same question. If you check out the sticky's at the top of this forum topic you will get every conceivable way to promote a YouTube channel. From quality content, to SEO (search engine optimization), to social networking, to tee shirts, business cards, five minute elevator pitches, collaborations, shout outs, niche forum participation, to guerrilla marking. Notice how I still just gave you 10 ways, and there are a lot more in the stickys. The problem is it's a lot of reading, but I have to say it's worth reading the stickys. Good luck. :)
In my admittedly very short time as a YouTuber, I found reddit and forums associated to the topic of the video you're making to be a good place to promote your video. Don't spam, don't post your video and just ran away, but interact with the folks. Reddit is just huge, and forums should be natural to go to. Also, you may want to look up facebook groups concerning the topic you're filming home about.