Sponsored Videos / Sponsorship Question


Opinionated Vlogger and Gamer
I hang out on another forum that also talks a lot about YouTubers (I'll not name them in this post). They complain *alot* about obvious sponsored videos that don't include any FTC disclaimers and it makes me wonder what the rules are behind all that.

For example, a fairly big beauty "guru," Missglamorazzi (she has over 1 mil subs), will often make what look like obvious sponsored videos (in fact a few of them have been highlighted by her network (BigFrame) as case studies of how YouTubers can be used to show off their merchandise). Yet in her disclaimer, she claims she is not affiliated with any of the brands mentioned in her video.

How can you do a video as a campaign for your network, and *not* be affiliated with the brands mentioned? I'm just wondering if anyone here could shed some light on all that. Thanks! :)
Hmm....I don't quite understand that either, it seems to me that the person may not be sponsored by them, but just have a strong personal preference that they wish to share with the world, But not necessarily have any sort of business relationship with them I guess.
I hang out on another forum that also talks a lot about YouTubers (I'll not name them in this post). They complain *alot* about obvious sponsored videos that don't include any FTC disclaimers and it makes me wonder what the rules are behind all that.

For example, a fairly big beauty "guru," Missglamorazzi (she has over 1 mil subs), will often make what look like obvious sponsored videos (in fact a few of them have been highlighted by her network (BigFrame) as case studies of how YouTubers can be used to show off their merchandise). Yet in her disclaimer, she claims she is not affiliated with any of the brands mentioned in her video.

How can you do a video as a campaign for your network, and *not* be affiliated with the brands mentioned? I'm just wondering if anyone here could shed some light on all that. Thanks! :)

It's similar to how you have ads in your video promoting stuff, but you aren't attached to them either. You set up a business deal with them, either through a network or independent scouting, and then you agree to promote their product one time for a certain amount of money. That's all there is to it.
It's similar to how you have ads in your video promoting stuff, but you aren't attached to them either. You set up a business deal with them, either through a network or independent scouting, and then you agree to promote their product one time for a certain amount of money. That's all there is to it.

Yeah but there are FTC rules about including disclaimers for paid advertising / promotion as far as I understand. The regulations are confusing though and it's hard to know exactly what kind of sponsored video violates the FTC rules and which don't (assuming that there is no disclaimer mentioned).