Something wrong with my earnings?


Active Member
I just noticed that i got 1.3k Euro total earnings and from them i received only 530 euros , Is this a fair share?
Youtube takes its cut, so that is how much you clear! not sure if after tax or not, but dayuuumm....Id be happy with 500$ any day ;)
I just wanted to be honest about the situation.

I, for one, kind sir, appreciate your straight up honesty. I also like the fact that you chose to respond to the OP, even though you knew nothing about the situation, or had absolutely no advice to offer, but obviously had enough curtsy and respect to at least respond to inform him of that fact.
If only we could clone you and have more of you on this forum, or in the world......

;) lol
I, for one, kind sir, appreciate your straight up honesty. I also like the fact that you chose to respond to the OP, even though you knew nothing about the situation, or had absolutely no advice to offer, but obviously had enough curtsy and respect to at least respond to inform him of that fact.
If only we could clone you and have more of you on this forum, or in the world......

;) lol

Man the world would be a better place if there was more of me out there.