Some FeedBack for Mr. J


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what everyone's thoughts on my background and intro? I mostly gotten good feedback but it from friends and family. It would be nice to hear what fellow youtubers think of Joy and my intro (yes I named her :p )

Any feedback would be nice :) .

P.S. Full Credit goes to My friend Joseph for the awesome Intro and Background. Link to his site is
your background looks nice and in a fitting style of your avatar.
your intro looks nice and sharp and has a very nice transision (if thats the correct word to use) at the end, you have done a good job with those 2 :)
I was wondering what everyone's thoughts on my background and intro? I mostly gotten good feedback but it from friends and family. It would be nice what fellow youtubers think of Joy and my intro (yes I named her :p )

Any feedback would be nice :) .
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