Social Blade - Good or Bad?


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I have seen tons of differing opinions on if SB is a good partnership or not. I was first strongly against getting any kind of a partnership before reaching such an audience that I could aim for a "bigger" network. Now I've come to the conclusion that it might, in fact, be a good/decent idea to try and get a year's contract with some network since tbh, I'm quite sure I won't have the amount of subscribers and views needed to partner with a "bigger" network anyways before a year's time. I acknowledge that the money that I would be earning with my current-size of an audience would probably be enough to buy myself a lollipop after a year so I don't really give a f**k about the money. So what I'm pretty much looking for, is a year's partnership with the "YouTube partner-perks", but I'm not quite sure if SB is the one... Please let me know if you think SB powered by RPM is any good or what should I do? :) Thanks!
theres been a lot of bad posts about rpm lately, but you have a good amount of subscribers, so just apply to the better networks first
Yeah a small network would help get you extra promotion too, what are you average daily views?
Around 130 views daily in the last 30 days. If you wanna see the exacts, check my SB stats page. :P I applied for a partnership with SB already, but they haven't yet gotten around to reply and I haven't signed a contract, which means anything I've done isn't yet binding. What's your opinion? Any other suggestions?[DOUBLEPOST=1365273718,1365273620][/DOUBLEPOST]
theres been a lot of bad posts about rpm lately, but you have a good amount of subscribers, so just apply to the better networks first
What do you mean by "bad posts"? Of what kind? And any suggestions on such "bigger" networks that I could be accepted to atm, and perhaps have a year's contract? I already applied for SB, but they haven't yet replied and I haven't signed any contracts, which doesn't make anything binding yet.
just saying that they are taking anyone, so the cpms are gunna end up been low and tons of other wack, but try fullscreen-the normal contract is 2 years, but if you ask for a 1 year contract dont see why they wouldnt give you one
Id suggest maybe wait for one that requires 200 or 300 a day then get a year contract and then go with a 500 a day one and carry on going.
You're channels seems to be bringing in quite a few daily views, why not apply to Machinima, Fullscreen, CreatorX? SB (RPM) have just done some stupid stuff, don't sign with them
You're channels seems to be bringing in quite a few daily views, why not apply to Machinima, Fullscreen, CreatorX? SB (RPM) have just done some stupid stuff, don't sign with them
I'm in the search for a one year's contract so I'm not quite sure how many networks offer such? I applied for FullScreen, but I'm not quite eligible for their partnership yet. All I'm looking for is a year's contract after, which I can perhaps switch partnerships if my channel has grown enough... Just something for the while being. Not for money, but for the perks of being a YouTube partner (thumbnails, scheduled uploads, etc.).