So what exactly was SEGA's deal with Shining Force?


Youtube Reviewer
Not sure if it belongs here, but SEGA did take down people talking about this game, even with monetized or partnered with a network... so I guess it kinda belongs here. What was their deal anyway? Why now did they suddenly wake up and decide to take videos from some old-a** game of theirs? That's like Tradewest suddenly decided they wanted every Battletoads video take down NOW just because. Does anybody have any 'behind-the-scenes' info as to what got SEGA's panties in a bunch?
Change of policy on usage? That's usually the reason for many take downs of footage that has been online for ages.
Mostly rumors. There seemed to be a rogue employee inside Sega that was submitting DMCA takedown requests against Shining force videos. The theory was that it was to improve the ranking of new shining force promo videos, specifically I think Shining Ark the PSP game. The problem was that they went over the top and sent DMCA takedown requests against a number of channels that had videos about shining force that didn't actually have any game footage, music, art or anything else in it. A DMCA takedown request when you don't own any of the content is wrong on several levels including potentially being illegal. They also hit one of TotalBiscuit's videos. When you hit a 1 Million sub channel with a copyright strike, you're bound to get some bad PR flak.
No, the issue did end up being resolved for a good portion of the channels. A lot of strikes were removed. The issue was that not all channels did, and some channels were actually terminated. Basically Sega deserves as much hate as can be given for flagrant abuse of DMCA.
Honestly, the TB videos and public relations fallout, I have a feeling the idiot who did all the DMCA takedowns probably had a bit of a hand slap along the way. It's not likely an issue.

That and if Sega actually tried to strike every channel with Sonic content... it would be the first time you've actually witnessed the internet burst into flames.