zachery desautels Loving YTtalk Oct 24, 2012 #1 made a subscribers shout out video # 2. hope you enjoy and maybe become a fellow sub! sorry no sub 4 sub.
made a subscribers shout out video # 2. hope you enjoy and maybe become a fellow sub! sorry no sub 4 sub.
GameUpOrShutUp Well-Known Member Oct 24, 2012 #2 dude any advice on getting that much subs in a month i believe my channel has enourmouse potential
zachery desautels Loving YTtalk Oct 24, 2012 #3 GameUpOrShutUp said: dude any advice on getting that much subs in a month i believe my channel has enourmouse potential Click to expand... i just told all my facebook friends and then friends on xbox, and their friends told more friends. i also sent messages to people on youtube.
GameUpOrShutUp said: dude any advice on getting that much subs in a month i believe my channel has enourmouse potential Click to expand... i just told all my facebook friends and then friends on xbox, and their friends told more friends. i also sent messages to people on youtube.