Should you pay for advertising your youtube videos?


Active Member
I'm wondering if there is a good way to advertise one of my youtube videos? I'm thinking that if the video is monetized and lets say you spend $500 on advertising you may actually get that $500 back and maybe some profit so you may end up with $600 and you got your video out there and gained subscribers. The only issue is if you spend $500 on advertising then to break even you would need around 100,000 views from the advertising if your Page RPM is $5.

Any thoughts on youtube videos and paying for advertising?
Personally I think just sharing your video around (Facebook, Twitter, YTtalk, etc.) is probably better. Sure the video might get seen a lot from paying for an advertising campaign, but usually those videos are just throw in peoples faces and no one really pays attention to them. Well that's my opinion anyways.
well i've actually had a few people tell me to pay to advertize one of my videos cause they thought it was that good..but i dunno something just didn't feel right to me so i voted against it. The way i see it if you think your video is great and has the potential to be much bigger if you just had it promoted properly and a decent about of other people agree with you ..then go for it..
I'm actually in the middle of testing out the ad campaigns right now. If you are a well known channel and you are seeing pretty good viewer turnout without the ads, I'm not sure if its worth it, but if you're like us and trying to just build a viewer base to begin with, I think its absolutely worth it if you have the money to invest.

Our Castle Build Tutorial video received 639 views for $39. It may not seem like much, but to us, that has helped us gain new subscribers and get our name out.