Should I tell my friends at school about my channel?


New Member
Hey people I'm SuperCookieDragon.
I have had one gaming channel and one vlogging channel in the past. Neither went beyond 20 subs.
The gaming channel was 2 and a half years ago. I got 800 views in half a year. My vlogging channel was 1 year ago and had much better content. I got 2,500 views in that year.

I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have got as many views and subs if I hadn't told my friends. All my friends knew about these 2 channels. My original gaming content was absolutely terrible, so my friends kind of made fun of me until I stopped it. My vlogging channel was still unimpressive as a whole, so my friends made fun of that too. Also, a few of my friends decided to dislike every video with multiple accounts for fun.
This new channel I have is not known to any of my friends. And in a week (which I know is barely anything) I have uploaded 4 videos. They are better than my whole previous channel (about 30 videos) put together. But they have so little views. Much less than my other channels, which weren't as good. So it should be that im getting more now, logically.

What I'm thinking is: because my friends don't know, there isn't really anyone on Earth who knows. So my channel hasn't got that starting boost which friends can provide. I'm not sure if I should tell them.

The reasons I shouldn't are:
More mocking from friends
Probably a few dislikes from friends trying to troll me
Probably a few mocking comments on the videos

Reasons I should tell them:
Early exposure, more views
Will probably get me my first few subs
People knowing makes the channel more recognised and known, even if they do mock me
Could lead to future popularity on YouTube

Also, I'm not the most popular in school. I'm not one of the 'cool kids', so not everyone will think it's cool. There will be mocking involved. But if I have thick skin, I'll be fine. And if SuperCookieDragon ends up with thousands of subs, I can laugh in their face I guess.

One last thing, this is important. There is one person in my year who especially does not like my content. He believes that I bought views on my last channel, so he actually roasted me on his channel. Also, he has friends from another school in the same area, and he got them to post hate comments to me on my channel. Most others in my school actually believe him, that I faked views. So if I tell people about this channel, he will definitely hate on it with his other friends. And, people might say to me things like 'are you going to buy views again?'

So I want to know, do you guys think I should tell my friends and just be thick skinned and be hopeful?
Or should I try to gain popularity without the 'help' of my friends? It's been quite difficult so far!
YES TELL THEM! If they are your real friends, they will accept what you like to do and not mock you for it! We were skeptical at first to tell our friends as well, but if they actually care about you, they should support you! GOOD LUCK! If you do tell them, I hope it goes well for you :)
I will give you my advice as a parent.
At my kids' school no one knows they youtube. I want to keep it that way. I have told the kids not to tell their friends about it.
Their youtube life is separate from their school life, and I like to keep it that way as far as possible.
Kids can be mean, jealous, find all sorts of reasons to tease, spread rumors behind your back, you know what school is like.
Unless your channel is about your daily life or school, keep it separate.
The older you get, the more you compartmentalize. Work is work. Family is family. Friends are friends. Youtube is Youtube. Unless you have absolutely awesome friends and amazing co-workers and an understanding, supportive family.
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Only tell the friends that you know will be very supportive and not negative. Negativity can hinder your growth if you don't have thick skin. I told a couple people who I speak to about my channel. they weren't supportive and I don't even know why i bothered. I only tell my close best friends.
Make sure you have good tags. And create social media profiles(facebook page, twitter, instagram) for your channel (add none of your friends). Share your videos on those specific pages only. I never share my videos on my main facebook profile. People in my small country are very judgmental. You should try to get popular on your own first before showing them your channel. i hope this helps.
There will always be negativity when you share your dreams to people that don't understand or are just jealous so the decision is up to you. Just know that is a possibility!
My thought is to not tell them. You've already had two channels where you told people. Try something different this time. You've only posted your first video three days ago. Be patient and let things play out. It takes awhile to build an audience. Sure, telling people and getting subs will give you an intial feeling of satisfaction. However, if you eventually want thousands of subs, you need to be prepared to put several years into your channel. School kids are cruel. You don't need those distractions.