Should I partner now or wait...?


Certified Canadian
I plan on getting a partnership but I'm not sure if I should just go ahead and do it now with RPM or another one that accepts small channels or wait to join one like TGN. My ultimate goal would be The Game Station but you need to be pretty big for that, for TGN you need 1000 daily views and RPM needs 84....Im sitting at about 200 a day or so (450 according to Socialblade due to spikes of thousands of views on certain days due to popular videos of mine). And since TGN goes of socialblade I'm almost halfway to the requirement. Should I wait? If I partner with RPM can I easily change to another, and if so how soon after? Same question with TGN, could I later join The Game Station if I got big enough? Thanks for any help!

Edit: I've also heard good things about Fullscreen so I guess that's also a possibility.
If i were you, i would grow a bit more and join a network with like 300 daily views as a requirement. Search for one with no lock in, and if you dont like it you can leave whenever you want and look for another one :D
It depends on how much you think you'll grow, if you feel that you will grow up to TGN's standards within a year, wait, if not, RPM could be good for extra promo's :)
You meet the ones with 250-300 views a day, although there isn`t many with those requirments..

So here`s my input:

Go with a small requirements network now like Creator X (sub-network of fullscreen) or N4GTV (sub-network of maker studios)]
wait until you built up another 43 views a day and go to a BentPixel`s network like YDL or Vultra,
wait longer and get into TGN
or wait a lonnnnnnnng time to get to 125,000 views a day to get into TGS
Ok well once I get 1000 I definitely want to join TGN and I think I will get that within a year so I might just wait then...