Script making process


I've Got It
So whats your guys's process for making scripts?

For me it goes a little like this, mine could be different cause we all make different content in different ways.

This is my skit process:
  • First I start off with a funny idea or thing i see on tv or just anywhere
  • Then I see if its actable and other people would be able to get it
  • Next I write down a rough frame for the skit, how it begins, the middle, and how it ends
  • Then I start adding all the diologue or motions to the script depending on what kind it is
  • Lastly I decide if its something worth doing.

What do you do?
I have ideas in my head.

For the mw3 destruction and top 3 apocalypse weapons the entire things were just in my head and I made the videos exactly like my vision.
For my recent glock videos I have an idea and then just wing it :)

Have never written anything down or talked about anything before I've done it!
1. I either come up with a basic idea like a parody.
2. I will come up with an ending joke/main joke.
3. Build an ep around that joke. ( how does the ep lead up to that situation?)
4. Write a rough script.
5. Add more detail and humour to the script
6. Make a main finished script
7. Start animating it, adding ideas along the way.
8. Finish

Ta da!
I've started to write down my ideas, then develop on them in my head, then write them down as well, then put them together. I seem to get my best ideas when I'm in bed for some strange reason.
I first come up with a bunch of random jokes (funny or not) and then pick the one that I think is the best after that I think of a basic story line in my head that leads up to the joke. Finally I make a script or storyboard.
Here is my script making process.
  • I think of a few Ideas.
  • Choose the best Idea I think will work.
  • Picture the scene in my mind (what I want the scene to look like and think of what will happen)
  • Write down the lines for my characters
  • Then film it!