SB Partner- Mothers info


I Love YTtalk
Hello guys,i received a message saying that i have music that i don't own. So i deleted the video and reuploaded without songs and i don't have 13 so i used my moms info . Is this counts as fair using parents info to become a partner? And it seems i can reapply :D maybe i will gen an answer today again...If it will sayabout music again ( minecraft uses muci ) ten screw you sb :(
You are not allowed to partner when you are not 13 yet. I'm sorry. Once you become 13 you can have your parents sign the contract.
But i tjink it is legal that my mother fills the form i guess so? She is an adult so ..Yeah.I think it's legal.But i am not sure about music.I don't use music. But there is minecraft music and there are some retards who sue content id to claim the video about mc with the same song
Problems solved. Asked SB employee.He said:
Need to list videos whee i have permission with the song
My parents can fill everything.

Everything is solved.