Hassan Ala

Flying Around The World On Crutches xD
Hey, I was thinking of joining RPM but I don't know if they are good or bad or in the middle :p
Can anyone explain to me what RPM has?

Thanks :)
It's too early for me to say since I just joined... but get ready for a lot of negative posts and comments about how it's junk and such.
You have 19 subscribers and roughly 106 views giver or take... My suggestion is don't join any network.. it wont help you or do you any good.. Build your channel.. Promote yourself and get an audience.. We didn't even begin looking for a Network till we had 200 subs. Think to yourself as we did.. would you accept someone who just started with out a proven record? Unfortunately RPM probably will accept you as will AwesomenessTV.. but they are not trying to help you grow they are just trying to get as much money as they can from anywhere.
I joined them not a year ago when they're requirements were 1000 views per day, today people with 0 views can join them. So they went downhill in a short time. Support these days sucks and the split is 50-50 for people with 1000 - 25000 views monthly.

They do give free audio to use :)
I'd say do your homework about every network out there before applying for a partnership, after you've build up more of an audience as Ken suggested, there's a lot of different networks and you might just want to wait for those extra daily views so you can get a better contract. Remember, you need to read the contract very carefully and determine if it's good for your channel now and in the future, some contracts have a 2 year lock down. So pick wisely!