RPM Payments


Joined RPM last week. do you know when they send you the money/royalty information so you can get paid?
Joined RPM last week. do you know when they send you the money/royalty information so you can get paid?

If, for example, you joined on 25th January, you get January's payment on 25th February, then you get February's payment on 25th March. Anyway, once you have access to the Maker studios dashboard, you'll be able to set up your payment methods and details. Didn't you read what you signed for? Lol. :x
No, i mean they said in the emails, we will send you the information soon on setting up your payments details (like setting up where they send the money) do you know when they will ?
No, i mean they said in the emails, we will send you the information soon on setting up your payments details (like setting up where they send the money) do you know when they will ?
You get to set it up once you finish signing your contract with them and then you have to request for access to their Maker studios dashboard. THEN, you can set up your payment details.
No, i mean they said in the emails, we will send you the information soon on setting up your payments details (like setting up where they send the money) do you know when they will ?
Well have you filled the tax information out yet?