Rpm - Payment stuck


New Member
Hello, my name is Gabby and i'm an Italian Let's player, i have a question: I'm with RPM since 28 april, i make like 100 views pro video everyday now, a video reached 4400 views too. But the money don't seems to go up: im stuck at $0.31 and the statements seems stucked too (look at photo 2) are of april and i can't see the May statements or the June one. I'm with the 50% contract (the 2 year "shi**y" contract). Here to photos of my dashboard:


So if you can give me some help that would be awesome, thanks!!! Btw if you wanna give a look to my channel to see if is all ok, channel name: Gabby16bit you find it easly on youtube.

p.s can i still leave rpm?


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Well first, it's not good to leave a network if you're a let's player. They allow you to monetize on your gaming videos whereas without them, you can't. Also, if you signed a contract, there's no way to terminate it early unless both parties agree. (you & RPM)

As for the money, you are still a very small channel and you will only be making below $1 every month for a while. So I wouldn't focus on it too much. I'm partnered with Fullscreen and we only get money when we reach $100. Also, it takes a longer time to post how much your videos have brought in. I only have up to April posted so far, can't see May or June yet. I'd just give it time, but like I said, you won't really be making much right now so I wouldn't focus on it, I never look at mine.
Make sure you have all claiming settings checked so you can get any advert put on your videos. Apart from that I don't really know what to suggest.. maybe contact them :)
If its like Fullscreen, you get your first months revenue showing up 2 months after joining, so you would see Aprils in June/ May in July etc.. That would explain why you can only see Aprils, you should see May's on the 28th of this month hopefully.