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Looks good,
Left side is perfect, but the on the right side i would say that the text needs a yellow stroke to make it stand out more
But other than that its good :D
I think it looks pretty decent! I would perhaps think about going to the new YouTube layout and doing the equivalent on there! My reasons are A) Text suits it better because it is horizontal and not vertical :) B) Some people are put off with the new layout but you can setup a channel trailer that only non subs can see! But it is personal preference I guess! Once again, looks awesome! :D
Looks good, although I wouldn't spend too much time modding out the old look, YouTube's probably going to force change layouts months from now so that your channel is compatible with desktop/mobile/Google TV
Yeah it sucks that you'll be forced to change it....but I think it looks really nice, with the contrast of bright colours and the dark background. The layout of it all, is pleasing to the eye as well.
I hate the new youtube layout -__-
Yeah....I decided to change it over....I'm trying to get used to it. One thing I do like about it...that I was suprized about, is that it can look really cohesive. But there are still many, many problems with it :S
Great banner! Really like it, do keep in mind though that one day you WILL have to go to the new lay-out :)