Since your a smaller channel, you should put your whole channel name as the watermark in your videos and not your initials e.g. "AlbertoC1196" and not "ACG"
I would also probably change the avatar. I personally like avatars that have peoples faces on them- makes it more personal imo. If you're opposed to that and like having text on it, then I would use a different font and better colors to catch peoples attention.
The background doesn't matter because it will be gone as of March 1st (Im still trying to get over it lolz).
I would just leave the description in spanish if you're a spanish channel (Im assuming you are since the video I watched was in spanish)... there's really no need to have any of it in english tbh.
The outro is fine, but I would make sure to have all the icons linked to the pages e.g. facebook & twitter
If it gets a little repetitive to where you don't feel like linking them, then just leave them out of the ending.
Hope this helps :]