Rate My Trailer? :) Would much appreciate it!


True Wub :wub:
Hey guys!
I did a channel trailer tonight and I would love for your feedback!! It's only a minute and a half long! Thanks!

Nice job! :) I think overall it's pretty good, just a little thing for if you decide to make another one sometime (not knocking what you've already done!), maybe not switch songs so frequently, but that's probably just me. Pretty good work!
Like Tom said I liked it though it does seem to jump quickly. But that might just be me wanting to hear more of each song.
Nice job! :) I think overall it's pretty good, just a little thing for if you decide to make another one sometime (not knocking what you've already done!), maybe not switch songs so frequently, but that's probably just me. Pretty good work!
Thank you! I appreciate the feed back....if I wasn't SO lazy I'd get on that! Teeee heee heeeeee *runs away*

I like it Kathy, think its really good, well done :)
Awww thank you Mr. Gaffer :)

Like Tom said I liked it though it does seem to jump quickly. But that might just be me wanting to hear more of each song.
That was the plan! You must click to hear more! Muahahahaha

I love it! I like how its a montage of all your songs!
Thanks!!! Yeah, I thought it'd be neat to do that because I do a couple of different styles of music.