Rate my thumbnail !


I've Got It
Hello guys ,
I am making a series call Minecraft survival , and I am using my thumbnail that i make via Minecraft , what do you think about this thumbnail ?
( one of my video)

This can be the format that you can you when reviewing my thumbnail :
1. Rating
3. What can be improve on?
Thanks :)'
(Thumbnail is Attached in this post)
P.S. Tell me if you think i post on wrong section !


  • 2013-03-30_17.20.01.png
    464.7 KB · Views: 3
  • 2013-05-07_16.28.02 - Copy.png
    2013-05-07_16.28.02 - Copy.png
    759.4 KB · Views: 1
Comic sans!!!!! AAAH! Lol jk :biggrin: it looks alright, but quite basic. Did you use Paint to do that? I suggest getting GIMP since you can add an outline to your letters and make them more crisp like my avatar. Another thing, you might wanna install some other cool looking fonts. Lots of websites provide them free. Overall, it looks fine but needs more fine tuning. 5/10 :)
Did you use Paint to do that?
Yes I did , i am too stupid for using some hi-tech stuff like Photoshop ( Did i spell it correctly?)
Thank you for the feedback , making new thumbnail right now and try to make better thumbnail :)
The colour blends in too much with the background, try something like white :) not bad though.
Thank you :) I just make a new thumbnail for my new video , but it still almost the same stuff other then diffrent font and differnt texture pack ( The updated one will be at the post itself and tell me that if you have any comment about that )