Rate My New Background!

What do you give it out of 10?

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DAMN. If I could, i'd rate it a 11/10! It looks sick!

Although the new layout is coming, might wanna switch over ;)
I remember you used to have the OneChannel design... or maybe I'm wrong XD either way, it looks really good but you should make a banner for the OneChannel design since it'll be mandatory for everyone soon :)
WOW! That is brilliant! It's really eye-catching and I can tell your video genres before I even look at your videos by just looking at your background! Subbed, please sub back!!
It looks great :). I was going to do something like that at one point, but as it has already been said the new layout lol.
Thanks guys! :D I really hope YouTube give us a n option whether we can keep this layout or move to the new one! There'e been lots of websites ect voting against it![DOUBLEPOST=1367616374,1367616294][/DOUBLEPOST]
DAMN. If I could, i'd rate it a 11/10! It looks sick!

Although the new layout is coming, might wanna switch over ;)
Hahah ily! ;D