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Well-Known Member
Hey guys was just wondering what you thought on my channel, I need to know what you like and dislike. Please post feedback, it'll be much appreciated:help:
160 views in a day for a new channel?? how did you do that!? impressive

*edit to add a bit more* I would try to get rid of those borders like in unfair mario, it hurts the immersion. But good job either way!
Good channel like the idea of playing horror games and good quality adding facecam should be a must now for playing those types of games. All I can say is keep putting out videos
Seriously have no idea, haha!
160 views in a day for a new channel?? how did you do that!? impressive

*edit to add a bit more* I would try to get rid of those borders like in unfair mario, it hurts the immersion. But good job either way!
no idea, haha! and I couldn't because it was a flash game:-( and thanks![DOUBLEPOST=1367438808,1367438679][/DOUBLEPOST]
Love the header:) keep it up man!
Thanks and I will!
View wise you're doing great, I can't say anything about your actual videos as I'm wayy too much of a wuss to watch them :p
Keep it up!