Rate My Channel Branding!


YTT's Grey Warden
Hey, guys! I've recently switched over to the new One Channel layout and changed alotta things with some help from DrunkBS (He helped to design my banner, and in-video programmed avatar. Check out his art! He's pretty good!)

I'd love to know what you guys think about the following. If you think there could be room for improvement, let me know. Or, if something is off, tell me that too.

Your first impression?
YT Channel Avatar (it's with the banner)?
My featured video/trailer (currently Isabela & Hawke tribute). Tell me what you think about it.
My in-video programmed logo (you'll see it when you watch the Isabela & Hawke video. Top left
corner, subcribe button)
Arrangement of my videos?
Overall layout?
My links good? (YTtalk, FB, Twitter)
My channel description?
My commentary (just started doing it. Just watch a few minutes of the Tomb Raider video in my signature. I'd love tips on voice acting and commentating)!
Are my video titles catchy enough? (Refer to my Tomb Raider video playlist titles)
What about my video thumbnails?

Please use the template of questions I've listed out above to reply. Thanks, peeps! I owe you guys more than one. :) It'd be great of you can answer all of them!
Reinaaaaaa i was just thinking of making a in-depth checkup of your channel.
When i get home ill write doen stuff, do my analyze and then go through your list.
Be stoked hun :3
Your first impression? Love your banner and I loved your tribute video.. Good song choice
YT Channel Avatar (it's with the banner)? I saw that.. I should add one to my channel
My featured video/trailer (currently Isabela & Hawke tribute). I loved it. It was fun...
My in-video programmed logo Looks good, Nice placement.
Arrangement of my videos? As far as I could tell it seemed good.
Overall layout? Overall I liked every thing. Your channel looks like a fun place to visit for long periods of time.
My links good? yes that was super.. although where is your link to BYBI with John and Ken? Just kidding.
My channel description? It is what you are so it is good.
My commentary (just started doing it. Just watch a few minutes of the Tomb Raider video in my signature. I'd love tips on voice acting and commentating)! I think you have a good voice, very upbeat and friendly. I think its like sitting there watching a friend play a game and chatting so that is good.
Are my video titles catchy enough? (Refer to my Tomb Raider video playlist titles)I think so but I am not a gammer so I could be wrong
What about my video thumbnails?I think they are well done.
Reinaaaaaa i was just thinking of making a in-depth checkup of your channel.
When i get home ill write doen stuff, do my analyze and then go through your list.
Be stoked hun :3
Thanks, babe! I really appreciate it. :)

Your first impression? Love your banner and I loved your tribute video.. Good song choice
YT Channel Avatar (it's with the banner)? I saw that.. I should add one to my channel
My featured video/trailer (currently Isabela & Hawke tribute). I loved it. It was fun...
My in-video programmed logo Looks good, Nice placement.
Arrangement of my videos? As far as I could tell it seemed good.
Overall layout? Overall I liked every thing. Your channel looks like a fun place to visit for long periods of time.
My links good? yes that was super.. although where is your link to BYBI with John and Ken? Just kidding.
My channel description? It is what you are so it is good.
My commentary (just started doing it. Just watch a few minutes of the Tomb Raider video in my signature. I'd love tips on voice acting and commentating)! I think you have a good voice, very upbeat and friendly. I think its like sitting there watching a friend play a game and chatting so that is good.
Are my video titles catchy enough? (Refer to my Tomb Raider video playlist titles)I think so but I am not a gammer so I could be wrong
What about my video thumbnails?I think they are well done.
Aww, Ken! Thanks so much for filling out every single question! You're a cookie. :)

i like your banner that s**t is hella attractive ;)
Thanks, mate! Appreciate your feedback. :D
Would you like chocolate chip? With extra large chocolate chunks? And, it comes in this rainbow wrapper with fluffy white sheep prancing about all over it. :D
That is perfect.. You know me so well.. How is that possible.. Are you looking in my windows again?
Banner is amazing.

About thumbnails --- It sort of bothers me that the "Recently uploaded" is currently all the same thumbnail from the first 6 episodes... nothing you can really do about that other than not upload the same series in a row, which is exactly what I try to do. Mixes up thumbnails, never the same content for subs who like different things... etc.

Avatar... well it matches your banner, I don't love it though - and I am not really sure why. Perhaps because I would rather see a face or symbol that represents you rather than words?
That is perfect.. You know me so well.. How is that possible.. Are you looking in my windows again?
Nope. I just read your stomach. It growled very loudly. :D

Banner is amazing.

About thumbnails --- It sort of bothers me that the "Recently uploaded" is currently all the same thumbnail from the first 6 episodes... nothing you can really do about that other than not upload the same series in a row, which is exactly what I try to do. Mixes up thumbnails, never the same content for subs who like different things... etc.

Avatar... well it matches your banner, I don't love it though - and I am not really sure why. Perhaps because I would rather see a face or symbol that represents you rather than words?

Ah, okay! I did do different thumbnails for my Mass Effect playthrough. Just tried using the same thumbnails for Tomb Raider (the only exception is changing the number in each thumbnail. Part 2, part 3, etc.)

Regarding the avatar: I did get quite a few comments where people were shocked and expressed how they're surprised that I'm a girl, LOL. I did try to look around for someone to help make me an avatar that represents a face. I'm hoping that Pearl'll show me her awesome art soon! :)

Thanks alot for the feedback, Derpy! :D