Rate my Channel art?

Is my channel art creative?

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Lucas White

Loving YTtalk
Hey there my name is Lucas, I need anyone to tell me if the art on my channel looks professional. There is no reward, I would just appreciate some feedback and maybe I'll check out your channel as well. My channel is SegaSaturnReviews. Thanks for the help.
It looks great :) The only gripes I have with it are: Part of the text is blocked by your avatar pic, and since the avatar pic and banner have the exact same cover scheme, character, and text, it kind of overloads it. This is just my opinion though. Personally, I'd make the avatar pic complement the banner (as if it was part of the banner itself), or just make them completely separate.
I like it, it's simple and it's easy to read. If I where you I would add a gradient blue background instead of a solid blue, and maybe use a black shadow on the text instead of the white shadow, other than that.. it's clean and I like it :) the changes don't really need to be made. But, I feel they would improve it a little :)
It looks great :) The only gripes I have with it are: Part of the text is blocked by your avatar pic, and since the avatar pic and banner have the exact same cover scheme, character, and text, it kind of overloads it. This is just my opinion though. Personally, I'd make the avatar pic complement the banner (as if it was part of the banner itself), or just make them completely separate.
what is your screen res man?! :') you must be on the smallest size youtube is created for, for the text to be under the avatar :)
what is your screen res man?! :') you must be on the smallest size youtube is created for, for the text to be under the avatar :)

1366 x 768 :O What's yours? I seem to always have this problem with the pic overlaying the text, I actually had to change my banner as well :D
Hey man, your channel is creative but just make a text a little bigger and the images slightly bigger too! :)