Questions about the TRUE Machinima


Active Member
I keep hearing these horror stories about Machinima while i also hear these wonderful experiences. This form is to hopefully get answers to some pressing questions.
1. The contract lock-in
Will Machinima let you cancel a contract
2. Promotions
Can a person start as partner and be promoted to director, or do you have to apply to be a director
3. Content limits
Basically i hear that Machinima doesn't have contracts that allow you to show certain games.
4. Response
I here their partner e-mail support is horrible
Anyone who can answer these will be greatly appreciated.
I keep hearing these horror stories about Machinima while i also hear these wonderful experiences. This form is to hopefully get answers to some pressing questions.
1. The contract lock-in
Will Machinima let you cancel a contract
2. Promotions
Can a person start as partner and be promoted to director, or do you have to apply to be a director
3. Content limits
Basically i hear that Machinima doesn't have contracts that allow you to show certain games.
4. Response
I here their partner e-mail support is horrible
Anyone who can answer these will be greatly appreciated.
1. yes 3 years contract without getting out (if you try to get out earlier, I heard a lot of storys theire account get banned)
2. i dont know.
3. ive also heard that some games are licensed so you couldnt show them.
4. there email support is very horrible. best was to get 1 response after 2 days waitening. but those answers dosnt helped me at all.
I'm mainly going to respond to #3, content licenses.

If you have no idea what this is about: This is referring to is the rumor that networks have specific licenses which allow them and their partners to monetize content for specific games

Verdict: FALSE

I have done extensive research and talked with dozens of networks and not SINGLE one has had ANY contract such as is rumored. They all use Fair Use to both upload and monetize, which is the EXACT SAME any independent channel can use. Specifically in regards to Machinima, they were not able to indicate which games/developers they had contracts for nor show any proof. This was fairly common as some network representives really, really didn't want to say "We just use Fair Use to upload this copyrighted content".

Other Machinima stuff:
  • Machinima is reported to have bad customer service, especially for small or medium sized channels
  • I've heard bad CPM now they are no longer fixed (honestly if they were having trouble making money when giving out $2 CPM this shouldn't be a surprise, $2 is not good)
  • Generally they won't you out of a contract. There are ways potentially around this, however.
I guess your points are answered now? Pewdiepie had been with them for 2-3yrs before joing TGS. He didn't complain though, probably because he's getting big but small channels will probably have a hard time with them for sure. They S.U.C.K