Question about network. READ


Hello guys,
First of all i'm new to this forum and i already like it alot.
Second which is why i created this thread:
I've looked around on the forum and already found my question a couple times, but i need some personal advice.
I'm in search of a partner network that fits my right. You guys are probably going to say: fullscreen. If so can you please tell me if my stats are enough. I have a Short-Film channel : FilmingDuo

Thank you :)
Regards, FilmingDuo
These are the two emails they send out most of the time when rejecting an application:


After reviewing your channel, I regret to inform you that we are unable to partner with you at this time. The following criteria needs to be met before we consider partnership:

- A high views-to-subscriber ratio
- At or around 30,000 monthly total views and 400 subscribers
- An actively engaged audience that comments and rates positively
- Exceptionally high production values and unique content
- An actively growing channel that has a history of consistently releasing new content

This is just a basic framework. Every channel is weighed differently for its own unique reasons. You should not compare your channel to others. We encourage you to keep working at it.

Thank you for contacting Fullscreen.

After reviewing your channel, we are unable to partner you at this time. The following criteria should be met before for partnership:
- A high views-to-subscriber ratio
- An actively engaged audience that comments and rates positively
- Exceptionally high production values and unique content
- An actively growing channel that has a history of consistently releasing new content

This is just a basic framework. Every channel is weighed differently for its own unique reasons. You should not compare your channel to others. We encourage you to keep working at it and while you may feel your channel is already performing in all these ways now, take the time to reflect on the above before resubmitting. We wish we had the infrastructure to go into detail with you, but to be fair since we could not do that for everyone we do so for no one.


On the otherhand there have been channels getting partnered through them at the same time as others receiving these emails and they havent fully met the criteria listed in them. The best thing you can do is apply and see what they say and if they dont accept you, you can always apply again later on.

There are many other networks that you are likely aware of but in general they require similar stats, some do accept around 700 views per day though rather than 1k.
You could try YDL Network, I'm with them and there great. They accept any genre of videos if you want more info feel free to ask or on skype; gkart64