Question about monetizing


Righty, so I recently started monetizing videos on my new YT channel and have run into a few problems.

I used to monetize videos on my game-play/walk-through channel with no problems at all, but I have recently started making videos with Royalty-free background music and images taken from the web for short play educational purposes, displayed as part of a compilation.

I've always had trouble wording things, and would like to know if my videos are actually monetizable.

FYI, I'm still fairly new to this forum and I admit I don't post a lot, but I read... a lot! haha!
Sorry if this is in the wrong location.

Once again, thank you for any advice you bestow upon me ,o/
Righty, so I recently started monetizing videos on my new YT channel and have run into a few problems.

I used to monetize videos on my game-play/walk-through channel with no problems at all, but I have recently started making videos with Royalty-free background music and images taken from the web for short play educational purposes, displayed as part of a compilation.

I've always had trouble wording things, and would like to know if my videos are actually monetizable.

FYI, I'm still fairly new to this forum and I admit I don't post a lot, but I read... a lot! haha!
Sorry if this is in the wrong location.

Once again, thank you for any advice you bestow upon me ,o/
It depends if the images are copyrighted or not, and most royalty free music actually says it isn`t to be used as primary audio just background music.
all music in my channel is specifically royalty free from royaltyfreekings
Where it states that you can use the track for public use. The tracks used are alterations of the originals with cut out elements.
I can provide a link to this information without any problems.

Its just the use of the images, I've seen MANY different top 10 videos on Youtube, most of which have been monetized despite some of there low views.
Righty, so I recently started monetizing videos on my new YT channel and have run into a few problems.

I used to monetize videos on my game-play/walk-through channel with no problems at all, but I have recently started making videos with Royalty-free background music and images taken from the web for short play educational purposes, displayed as part of a compilation.

I've always had trouble wording things, and would like to know if my videos are actually monetizable.

FYI, I'm still fairly new to this forum and I admit I don't post a lot, but I read... a lot! haha!
Sorry if this is in the wrong location.

Once again, thank you for any advice you bestow upon me ,o/

You can't self monetise on gaming videos for the most part, you need to be in a network for this :)
You can't self monetise on gaming videos for the most part, you need to be in a network for this :)
Hmmm, I feel I may have been misunderstood, the gameplay/walkthrough videos where on my old channel.

I'm really just asking about the images im currently using on my new channel (In my Sig)
Just make sure the music you use is free for public and COMMERCIAL use.
As for images, you can not use any image that is copyrighted unless you are directly commenting on it in some way, and even in those cases you can only use small images for a minimal amount of the video.
The best way to see if you can monetize a video is to submit a video for monetization. The video may be flagged by YouTube, and they will ask you to provide further information about whether you own the content of the video, after which they will make a decision.
If they decide to reject your claim, don't worry, you won't get a copyright strike on your first attempt, unless it is a blatant copyright violation.

It's also possible that YouTube won't flag the video at all. It just depends on how big a part of the video the images are.

If you're worried, you can search the internet for royalty free/public domain images, the same that you do for music. It exists.

Another option is to seek partnership with YouTube network. They assume responsibility for your copyright claims, and you have more leniency in terms of what you can and can'tdo.

I've been through this before with YouTube, and I just disable monetization if it seems anything close to infringement. Not worth the trouble in my opinion. I've even had to forgo hundreds of dollars on a popular video of mine in which I comment on copyrighted video clips that went semi-viral. i disabled monetization because I didn't even want to have deal with the flagging process.
There are mountains of resources here at YTT which tackle the monetization issue.

In short, if you're making commercial use of something (like media) you must have the right to do so.

There's a big difference between commercial use and informational (Fair use). As long as you're not making money from other people's media, you should be able to use their images, but even then they have a say.

If it's not yours don't use it commercially unless you have permission to do so. Hope this helps.

Royalty Free never means free .. it means free to continue using based upon the terms of the license which you purchased. I license stock photos and if somebody only pays me $5 they are extremely limited in the resolution they receive and in the manner the photo can be used. If you want to mass distribute it to a large circulation, which youtube could very well fall in that area, then you're going to be paying me up to 100 times that amount depending on the specific usage.

If no money is required that's not royality free .. that falls under a creative commons license .. which still has it's limitations as specified by the artist. The same laws go for audio or video footage.

You always want to be careful when it comes to things like this. Youtube honestly makes light of copyright violations .. maybe they'll slap your hand or ban you from adsense ... but then you have to deal with the artist and I for one have a firm that represents me. They don't like to slap wrists .. they like to file court claims. LOL
Thank you all for the info! :)
As for now I'm just going to leave out the Monetizing stage of YouTube, for now its just not worth it.
I enjoy making videos and editing.

I come back to this hurdle later down the line.
So I sent an email to the website that I get my background music from, and they said as long as I provide a link to there website, I can use the music from the 'Free Music' section as if it was a paid for track.

Thats one less thing to worry about, and its something I can actually link if YT has a problem :)