Q&A Need questions for next video...

Mae Unique

Hello there I'm Mae Unique!
Im a youtuber and I'm deciding to make a Q&A video for this year!
This will be my first Q&A video so feel free to ask any questions you like and I will put it all in my next video!
Just comment your questions here and if not you can still say hi.
Thank you and I look forward to answering your questions!​
Who's your favourite youtuber?
What is your favourite thing to do when not making YouTube videos?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Thank you so much for your questions I will be incorporating them into my video. I am waiting for a few more questions on my other social media platforms. Thank you
favourite type of drink?
I will be adding your question in my next video. I posted my first video before I got your question so yours will be first read in my next video!
Thank you for participating and feel free to ask more questions for my next video.