Put Out These ****ing Flames!

dude ... seriosly ... what are you aiming with these videos ? ... i`m loving the videos too mutch man but the arguments ya have are very spot on but youre putting so mutch humor in them that i don`t know if to be serios or laughing my guts out HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG *TRADING INSULTS LIKE A TENNIS MATCH* that was super hahahaha nd seriosly the PPG example ... i take my hat off to you good sir lol
xD Between being serious and funny, I'm just trying to be... seriously funny? << It's actually a bit frustrating, because when I post these up in the Promotion board, I rarely add a little Catagory caption to it because I'm not sure WHAT to put there. Vlog? Comedy? Commentary? x.x
to be honest man youre material would attract any tipe of public bcuz youre really good at this and if you have to chose my opinion would be vlogs every 3 days comedy every other 3 days and comentary every other day ... more often bcuz on a personal note dude i`ve been watching almoust all youre videos bcuz seriosly youre awesome :D
Thanks, man, I really appreciate the support. ^^ I should have a new video out in the next day or two; I noticed the views on subsequent vids were starting to slacken, so decided to take a little time on dragging people to awareness about my channel. Advertise, advertise. x3 I'm actually having a really lucky streak right now; went from around 1560 channel views to 1907 channel views in about two days. >:3 Probably not going to be able to maintain that, given I'm not getting many subs as a result, but sort of nice to see the view count spike a bit.
well ... dude you just crushed me lol ... i got that many views in a year and you got them in 2 days and youre still complaining hahahahahahahaha, seriosly now youre a greate gui, awesome content and i belive that the path youre going on now is the corect one and in no time youll have a fantastick viewer base and don`t worry about the subs, just kep an eye out on the views and keep doing what youre doing bcuz on a personal note i enjoy youre videos and rants and i always get a boost of laughter even thought some tipics are very serious like the stoner babyes i feel bad now for laughing but the ay you sed it its just ... priceless man hahahaha, I BELIVE IN YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU lol :D
Okay, I confess that the fact that I'm new to the whole Submit-YouTube-Content scene means I actually have no clue what would be quick growth and what wouldn't, and I'm by my very nature impatient and therefore do stare at the view count with a pout if it hasn't changed in an hour. xD Unhealthy obsession, which is why I try to spend less time on the computer now. Your channel is great, though, man, definately keep it up, you have a quick and easy sense of humor that I can't quite manage, which is why I work best on a script. xD

And thanks for the believe-having! =D
hahahahaha i know my sense of humor is special that only a special type of ppl can enjoy it like serisal killers and aliens can enjoy it hahahaha but seriosly i would recomend don`t invest so mutch time thinking on the youtube views and look for example on reddit and find on the spot news pages to get youre content thats what i`m trying to do, and youre scripting man its impecable dude :D
Thank you. x3 I mostly work scripted because writing's one of my greatest strengths, and I find I can be much funnier if I have time to plan it out than if I try to go off the cuff. Case in point, did a webcam half hour political discussion- unfortunately, there's some lag that makes it sound like I kept cutting the other guy off- and I stutter, pause, grunt and similar mistakes. xD I am no improv comedian.
hahaha dude i admit i have no talent at all and i`m not funny at all lol and on top of that i can`t be funny even scripted lol but i keep on going lol ... not that i think of it ... i`m sad ... *starts crying in a corner* lol but seriosly man keep doing what you do and youll have awesome luck and don`t focus that mutch on the view counter and do it on the publicity and btw where is this video with the webcam ?