PublishAmerica and Atlanta Nights


I've Got It
Right, DONE with rapping and bumblebee poems! >_< Back to my bread and butter. On tonight's episode of Artistic or Autistic, I take you back to 2005, when a group of authors assembled to poke at the self-righteous sham that was PublishAmerica with a sham of their own. On a dark and stormy night, well, several consecutive such nights, the worst book ever written was penned to answer the question... just how MUCH attention was PublishAmerica's quality control team paying to the manuscripts they accepted?

The answer isn't likely to surprise anyone who's heard about PublishAmerica. =P

...unfortunately the embedded video player on this post cuts out some of the bigger paragraphs. u.u

Also, just because I can, here's an exerpt from Atlanta Nights.

    • "You are the one with a sex-death wish," hissed Henry Archer in his ghostly presence permeating the room. "Just look at her, you know she wants you. They all want you. Except Irene! You could never have her, because she will always be mine. She cannot ever forget my youthful bodybuilder physique, the firmness and the rock-hardness of me, the only things that would satisfy. Her father does not know that his sweet innocent Irene was a wildcat in my bed. I could always make her mew. And to my musical key, none other. She purred for me like a bobcat kitten before it became fully grown, gained poundage and muscle bulk, and discovered other wildlife of its kind and ilk. Vibrant, innocent but sensual, purring. Ever purring for me, she was"