Promoting personal channel


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm going to start working on my personal channel more instead of my clans channel and I was wondering if you guys/girls could give me some advise on how to make my channel more popular? e.g. commentarys, gameplays stuff like that. And also was wondering if anybody would be interested in helping me do a commentary I've got a few on my clans channel but will be making better ones on my personal one soon :) so thanks for any advise anybody gives.
Well right now I mainly do CoD commentarys I used to do Minecraft but got bored of it, I just need more games to do so I was thinking CoD and maybe go onto indie and arcade game commentarys because I rarely ever see them on YouTube
Well in my opinion I despise cod commentary, but Indie games sound like an AWESOME idea! I would just pick whatever you feel more comfortable with (obvsiouly cod videos are popular so if you're comfortable with that, do it!)
Thanks I appreciate that you like the arcade game Idea many people didn't think it was good but with CoD ones I will probably continue to do it because I pretty much play it everybody for some reason even though the game bores me to death haha