Private Person wants to create a professional Youtube Channel


New Member
Sorry I'm from Spain.

Hello, i want to create a professionel youtube channel

My Questions:

1.) I upload Videos from million heavy Stars (P.Diddy 50cent)
2.) I will corrigate/improve/expand old & new videos from Stars
3.) Is Allowed to hear at official Youtube Videos from Stars (shakira-whenever-wherever)
Because the videos puplic for everybody for free.

4.) Can i be a partnern - have person from me, and stars at my channel, or must be only personal files.

Kind regards
.... What?

I'm sorry but I did not understand a single thing what you just said.

Are you trying to say that you want to create a YouTube channel where you'll upload music videos of rappers/singers singing and such? If that's the case then I don't think you'll be allowed to do that in terms of copyrights and such especially when it comes to monetizing your videos (since you want to become a partner).

Plus, people from VEVO (or something) has uploaded most of the music videos and such so yeah... I don't know, you have to explain yourself and your channel in better detail for us to read :p

This thread makes absolutely no sense. How will you become partnered with other peoples music?