
I've Got It
Hey guys, I have noticed that quite a few plp on the forums are requesting sub4subs and box4boxes. I am glad to assist with this, but if you wanna do it, just let me know :) Also, please check out my channel, as my dream is to one day become a YouTube Partner :)
Warned for unnecessary hurtful response
I wish there was a forum moderator the lock this thread because
of a uneducated title , like seriously , do you always sleep on
english subject or your just stupid to make
sentences ?
Dude, I don't think your one to criticize someone's English by writing stuff like "do you always sleep on
english subject". In fact, I have already reported you for cyber-bullying so watch your writing in the future. I mean, I'm all for constructive criticism, but you called me "stupid" so as far as I'm concerned, you are a bully. FYI, English is one of my best subjects, so think next time before you write an outrageously insensitive comment.
I wish there was a forum moderator the lock this thread because
of a uneducated title , like seriously , do you always sleep on
english subject or your just stupid to make
sentences ?
He did post in the wrong section but that was completely uncalled for. And good god how about you check your own English first before criticizing someone else.
He did post in the wrong section but that was completely uncalled for.
Thank you. I apologize for posting it in the wrong section. I am new to this forum and I will try to improve in the future. Also, I will refrain from making titles and threads like this.