Please watch and share! You could save someones life!


Loving YTtalk
Hey fellow forum users,

Suicide is a growing concern in this world and there are plenty of facts in the video showing that, so we need to make more people aware of how bad it actually is to help save lives! I know I wouldn't normally beg people to share things but this is something very close to my heart I find this serious so please do the right thing and help spread the word!

Kind Regards
... shared, but dude its something logical ... i mean suicide in the past was looked upon like taboo or the devil itself ... when that fear disapeared for the moust part then depression and other factors stress or misfortunes kicked in the normal day to day lives of not only americans but all over the world and some just can`t handle "heavy" situations and to some of them the best solution to turn things around is "the reset button" ... not sure how to feel about this topic ...
I agree it's very difficult for some people, so we should do what ever we can to help, even if it's little things they all add up !
i think that just by wishing them the best in life and just moral counciling isn`t enough if ppl would take time to actualy acompany them for a period of time to give perspective to theyre lives to give them some goals and then they could continue then that would really e a solution
thats another problem that society is just str8 down block heads ... "outcasts" is something that was invented by ppl that feel afraid or uneasy or even misunderstood and have to make other ppl feel horrible so that they can feal better about themselvs ... if ppl would open theyre freking minds and embrace the divercity then i garantee that the world would be a better place ... its just like a video game bcuz if you have diferent classes youre always gona win and compensate but there are ppl so stupidly blind its just too sad ...
but dude ... lets be honest ... in the world we live nowaday the main point is that if youre not good looking and youre not from a ritch family then you don`t have a bright future, youre gona work with not that much acomplished ... and i know bcuz i`m one of the not acomplished side ... basecly we would have to strike in the heart of society to change this tipe of thinking ... but since there are oh so very few ppl that think of equality and helping one another ... its very very VERY TOUGH to change something not to say imposible ... thats how i see the future
We need strict laws brought in about racism and verbal abuse and things like that for a change to even slightly start to change but the governemnt would never do something because say someone gets drunk which thousands of people do they do it to easily without even thinking so it would never happen
to be honest till now the opinion i have hasn`t been changed with another bcuz i didn`t get any reasoning that there are other solutions and listen my solution/opinion to change the guvernment and change the world ... and i specify ... to change the world for a better place we would have to " cut " out first of al 2 sins out of humanity ... greed and jealousy, i garantee that just with that it would be a incredible start for the world on to a brighter future but the " cuts in staff " if you get my drift ... would be the start bcuz the ones that corupt ppl are the ones that are living based on decieving others and only looking for theyre own well beying, having taken them out of the picture then the world would be one big happy utopia