Please rate my channel branding :)

Common mistake about the banner though, don't save as jpg. Save as png. It makes it MUCH higher res. Other than that good job :)
it's nice and simple.. I like it :)
I did think it was a little to bright in the middle.. maybe dull the background down a bit so it's a more grey colour instead of near white as the text is white :)
Common mistake about the banner though, don't save as jpg. Save as png. It makes it MUCH higher res. Other than that good job :)
Lol, now I feel bad. How could I do that in the firstplace... *shame on me*

I give it a complimentary chicken.
Thanks for the chicken!

Nice, clean and I like the text ;) 7/10

it's nice and simple.. I like it :)
I did think it was a little to bright in the middle.. maybe dull the background down a bit so it's a more grey colour instead of near white as the text is white :)
Yep, you're definitely right, gonna add some more color in the middle :)
looks alright dude, you have all the thumbnails i can see custom which is good, still havnt updated all mine, but for me all the white writing on your main page against the thumbnail looks abit messy, maybe change some of them so they pop out more, or use a diff colour for each game you do or sumit thats my 2 cent