Please participate in my focus group

Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
I sat down a few people I know and had them watch videos of Asia and I. I showed them my favorites first, then some of the older ones. Almost everyone said that they enjoyed the ones that weren't scripted more than the others.

Here is an example:
Confessions one of my favorite videos that Asia and I did together. Its clever and funny, IMO.​

But everyone I showed this one enjoyed it much more:
(Where'd this p***s come from?)​
Maybe its the title which implies its going to be nasty, or maybe its because we're working completely without a script, or both. Either way, everyone tends to enjoy those more. So, I'm asking you guys because I trust your opinion.​
Everyone who participates in my little focus group here I will send them some YT cash for your help. Just let me know which style of video you enjoy more and why. If you want to comment on the videos, go ahead, but if you'd rather post your thoughts here thats fine by me, too.​
Thanks guys​